2025 marks the 400th Anniversary of the Six Mile Water Revival. God in His grace, visited this area with a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit, bringing many people to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
The great thing about the miracle of revival is that we, even we, can receive it. We can be as unimpressive as we truly are, but with the gospel and the Holy Spirit, we simple, plodding, and sometimes exhausted Christians are equipped in every essential to receive afresh the felt presence of the risen Christ with powerful effect.
As a church, we want to give 2025 over the Lord and seek Him to move in saving power like He did 400 years previous. We cannot manufacture this or 'drum up' the Spirit, however the Bible encourages us to pursue revival with this wonderful prayer:
“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” (Psalm 85:6).
The psalmist makes four assertions:
God does revival - “will YOU not revive us again”
we need revival - “will You not revive US again”
that need is recurrent - “will You not revive us AGAIN”
and the result of revival is the glory of God - “that Your people may REJOICE IN YOU”
Let's seek this together!
Where do we go from here?
Approaching our God
Approaching our Neighbours
STEP 3. Approaching the Cross
Our first step as a church family is to approach God in prayer and preparation. Opportunities for corporate prayer will be arranged, beginning with every Sunday in January at 10am) and midweek gatherings will be used to train us up in sharing the gospel to friends, family and our neighbours.
The next step is to engage with every home on the Dunadry Road (and connecting roads). Our desire is that every family surrounding our church will speak with someone from MPC, befriended and invited to two courses that present the truth of Jesus and His gift of Salvation.
The final step during our year of mission is to welcome people through our doors to hear the gospel, faith stories and receive prayer ministry. There will be a series of scheduled evenings during which someone will open the Bible, giving people an opportunity to respond to Christ's invitation to come to Him in faith.
Please keep an eye on our website, as well as listening in to our worship gatherings for further details about our Mission 2025