Our Values
We are firmly of the view that our community lies not in establishing new programmes but, rather, in committing ourselves to two core values that will shape us as a congregation in our life and witness and against which to measure every aspect of our life and witness.
'Whole-Life' Christianity
Every area of life is important to God – every context, every aspect of our humanity. Matthew 13:33 “Jesus told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough”.
'Disciple-Making' Christianity
The Great Commission calls the Church to make disciples, which means that we want to see men, women and children to follow Jesus in all His glory, power, love and authority, so that we display Him in our lives.
How do we see these values work out?
We seek to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to encourage each other to follow Him in our every day lives
Bible Based
In all that we do, we want the truth of God's Word to saturate our life and witness as a church family
Spirit Dependent
We strive to follow the Holy Spirit's leading as He was given to the Church to be our helper and sanctifier, and not to rest in our own abilities
Caring Family
We want to offer a genuine welcome and provide a place that people can call home, as we walk through life together