On Sunday mornings we gather at 11am. You can catch up on our current teaching series here:
2025 is a significant year of evangelism as a church family. For info, events and prayer points, visit:

Welcome to Muckamore Presbyterian Church
We are a group of ordinary people from different backgrounds, life experiences and ages. What we have in common is that we believe, trust and follow Jesus, the Son of God. We believe in the incredible news that through Jesus - His life, death and rising from the dead - He has brought the unending, limitless, stunning love of God to us. Our lives have been, and are continuing to be changed and impacted by this amazing news.
Our desire is to share this reality with our community in our words and actions.
You would be so welcome to come along to our worship gatherings and weekly activities.

Called to make
We want to help people become more like Jesus, through teaching from God's Word

"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."​
Romans 15:7